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About Coach Burnett

Harvey Burnett is a former Peoria High School track & field standout. He was highly recruited by colleges and universities such as LSU, Xavier, Yale, University Of Northern Iowa, ISU, and Georgetown to name a few. Coach Burnett is a husband, father, Pastor, entrepreneur, community advocate, and and the Head Coach of the Peoria Manual Rams Boys Track Team. One of his titles most favored is that of "coach". You'll find Coach Burnett working in both high school and grade school track and athletic programs, grade school basketball programs and the PICTFC.  

IHSA Coaching Certification


"Athletes FIRST, Winning Second", is the model of the American Sport Education Program (ASEP), which is an agency that trains and certifies coaches all around the country. Coach Burnett is convinced that this value will lead to the best and most lasting success and fulfillment for both the athlete, the athletes family, and the sport in which the athlete participates.

Coach Burnett completed ASEP's IHSA (Illinois High School Association) Coaching Orientation Program with a score of 100% and is a USATF Youth coach in good standing. Coach Burnett currently uses ASEP recommended materials and concepts to create the best possible experience for both athletes and parents in PICTFC programs.  Coach Burnett has also successfully (above 90%) completed the USATF Safe Sport coach training program which includes guidance on sexual abuse and misconduct. The goal of the PICTFC program is to prepare the athlete for the best possible results and experience in their next regular season session and for a future in track and field athletics at the collegiate level and beyond.  

CPR, AED & Sports First Aid Certified


Emergencies are not the norm for PICTFC, but it is good to know that should an emergency arise that both Coach Burnett and his staff are CPR and AED Certified by the American Red Cross and also Sports First Aid Certified by ASEP.  


Emergency Plan: 

In the event of an emergency, a cell phone is always on the field during PICTFC sessions and training. If something were to go wrong, emergency medical personel will be contacted right away to assure the best possible outcome and results. Parents or guardians are also notified immediately. A medical history questionairre is required by all participatating athletes and whether received electronically or by paper will be placed in a secure club file in compliance with all federally mandated HIPPA guidelines. 


Community Involvement


Creating a well rounded individual is the aim of the PICTFC. For 2022 members of the club will be encouraged and led into community service through initiatives such as community crime and violence events, community clean up events and fund raisers.


Participation in club sponsored events such as these not only add to the character development of young people, but look very handsome on college application forms providing valuable points towards enrollment at most institutions of higher learning.   

Outdoor Season Starting
May 27th ~ July. 31st, 2024

Regularly Every:
Tuesday, Wednesday 

4:00 PM  to 6:00PM


Peoria Manual Academy

811 S. Griswold

Peoria, IL. 61605

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© 2021 - 2024  by Dunamis Publishing Peoria Inner City Track & Field Club (PICTFC)

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